Sticky Geranium

(Geranium viscosissimum)

Sticky Geranium

A true geranium, Sticky Geranium (Geranium viscosissimum) is unlike the geraniums we see commonly in flower pots, which are in a related genus, Pelargonium. Also called Wild Geranium or Cranesbill, the plant's genus name “Geranium” derives from a Greek word meaning “crane” and is descriptive of the long, slender seed pod resembling the bill of a wild crane. The species name “viscosissimum,” and the common name “sticky” refer to the fine, glandular hairs densly covering the leaves and stems that grab onto what ever touches them.

Unlike carnivorous plants that trap and digest whole insects, Sticky Geranium is classified as a protocarnivorous plant. It extracts protein, especially the nitrogen in the protein, from insects that get trapped in the sticky hairs covering the foliage. While botanists aren't sure exactly how this works, it may give the plant much needed nutrients to make up for nutrient-poor soils.

An herbaceous perennial, Sticky Geranium thrives in mid- to high-elevation grasslands, meadows, along streams and in open forests throughout the western United States, into the Great Basin and Rocky Mountain regions, and western Canada.

Light pink to dark purplish-pink flowers bloom from late spring through August or until frost depending on elevation. The flowers are five-petaled with darker colored veins running the length of the petals. The green points of five sepals peek out between the petals at their base. Ten stamens, joined at the base, cluster in the center of the petals around five pistils. Blossoms grow in loosely branched clusters on the ends of hairy stems above deeply-lobed leaves.

Leaves are palmate, three to five inches across, with five to seven deeply notched, pointed lobes. They mostly rise from the base of the plant on long stalks with a few growing along the flower stems. Over all, the plant grows from one to three feet high and spreads about the same width. Both the medium green foliage and the pink to purple flowers of Sticky Geranium are attractive in the wild or in a garden.

Following bloom, the petals drop away and the fruit grows as a distinctive one-half inch, beak-like capsule. When mature the capsule splits open into five recoiling segments and tiny seeds shoot out. In order to collect seed, capsules must be gathered as they begin to turn brown but before they split open.

All parts of Sticky Geranium are astringent and aid in stopping bleeding by contracting blood vessels. Native American peoples and herbalists have used plasters and salves made from leaves and roots to staunch bleeding. The flowers are edible and add a colorful touch to salads or as an attractive garnish.

Sticky Geranium is pollinated by native bees, butterflies and flies. It is the host plant to 10 different types of moths. It is delightful in borders, perennial beds, and as an under planting for taller shrubs or trees. Easy to grow, it is relatively pest and disease-free and requires little watering. Deadheading will bring on late-season blooms.

Pictures and a description of Sticky Geranium are found on page 154 of Landscaping with Native Plants in the Idaho Panhandle, a KNPS publication available at local bookstores and the Bonner County History Museum. Additional native plants can be viewed at the North Idaho Native Plant Arboretum, 611 S Ella St. in Sandpoint.

Native Plant Notes are created by the Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society. To learn more about KNPS and the North Idaho Native Plant Arboretum, explore


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